Today, we are all about building solutions as we collaborate
across industries, disciplines, backgrounds and experiences.
We are linking urban with rural as we explore the immediate challenges of a small farm business is directly impacting our local food communities.
We invite you to become fully immersed in some of the exciting work at Karma Farm, utilizing your business acumen to solve immediate challenges and pave the way for future impact. Thank you for growing out with us!
Your Challenge Breakd wn
[Visit Desktop Site for Details]
Stage One
Challenge Launch
Start to dive into your challenge with your team, beginning the initial information gathering as you map out your team action plan for the next three hours. This is a perfect time to throw all ideas out on the table, brainstorming all possible solution sets.
OutGrowth and Karma Farm will be present to answer questions and offer guidance.
Stage Two
At this point, your team should be moving on from the information gathering and brainstorming stage to the solution-building stage. Who will be in charge of what? How will you firm up your different sets of deliverables as a team?
During this stage, it is important that you have a clear plan of action, so that you can get the best results within a limited period of time.
Stage Three
Designing Your Team's 10-Minute Pitch, Skit or Creative Presentation on Your Solutions and Recommendations. Decide how your entire team will be involved. Also, be sure to email your solutions and deliverables to anna@outgrowthtoday.org before 4pm!
Stage One
Farming4Hunger is in need of a solid programming logic model. Logic models are important tools for companies to use when planning, communicating and evaluating current programming. As Farming4Hunger creates a wide breadth of impact in multiple areas, and is growing its programming quickly (beyond the farm site where we are today), this is an essential tool for them to remain aligned with their vision and increase their efficiency. In the recent weeks, OutGrowth and Farming4Hunger have worked together to look at the inputs, activities and outputs (Logic Model Part One below) involved in the Second Chances and Youth programming (visit the Farming4Hunger website for more information on these programs). Part Two, the outcomes and evaluation piece, is key, which is why we are bringing your team on to make strong recommendations and design effective methods for measuring and managing impact.​
Your Team's Task:
Map specific, measurable and quantifiable outcomes of the Second Chances and Youth programming, along with accompanying data collection methods and metrics, so that Farming4Hunger can collect and manage data effectively. This will ensure that all of their activities, inputs and outputs are directly linked to short, medium and long-term success. You can use Logic Model Part One, filling out the remaining fields in the Outcomes (Part Two) section. There are also notes on some of the overarching outcomes that Farming4Hunger has brainstormed (Farming4Hunger Outcomes Notes below) which can provide you with some general directions as you map out Part Two.
Success Criteria for Stage One:
Three to five quantifiable programming outcomes for each of the two programs (Youth + Second Chances) in each of the following outcome categories: Short, Medium, Long-Term.
Appropriate, efficient and feasible methods for measuring outcomes. Consider: How often should data collection take place? | Are these methods affordable + feasible given a small team size? | Does the method accurately measure the result in question?
Clear metrics linking measurement methods with outcomes.
Stage One Resources
The purpose of design thinking is to think big, re-iterate and build your way forward step by step in order to devise creative solutions.
Now that you have worked on the logic model, and have a better understanding of Farming4Hunger's programming and vision, we want to explore what a Baltimore-based expansion could look like. For reference, those items in the logic model in red indicate resources/activities that would be needed to replicate F4H's programming outside of the current location.
In looking into a Baltimore expansion, how can F4H create partnerships where they are making the most efficient use of their resources (i.e., not investing in new farm/gardening property)? How can F4H plug their valuable programming into some already-existing models? In order to make sound decisions, this requires a deep dive into potential Baltimore partnerships.
Your Team's Task:
Utilizing design thinking exercises, work with your team to determine key Baltimore stakeholders and potential routes for partnership and collaboration. Remember, this is rapid-fire brainstorming, so think big!
Success Criteria for Stages Two-Three:
Stage Two: Stakeholder map and solid base of notes and ideas (no particular format required)
Stage Three: List of 5-10 targeted Baltimore partnerships along with routes and barriers to entry
Stages Two-Three
Stage Four
Determine your top recommendations, findings and solutions.
Map out speaking roles and method of delivery within the 10-minute time frame. Get creative!
Present to Farming4Hunger, JHU and OutGrowth, to be followed by feedback and questions.
Thank You
for growing out with us