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24 OutGrowth Writers: 24 Pieces of Advice for Students Seeking Immersion

A while back, we surveyed our team of OutGrowth contributing writers to learn their one piece of advice for students exploring the possibility of an immersive experience.

Today, we present to you 24 inspiration bursts that will get you excited to take off on your own adventure (potentially with the OutGrowth Impact Cohort this summer!).

1. "Do it. Even if you feel you didn't enjoy a particular experience, you will still grow immensely just due to the fact that you experienced it." - Caitlin Connor

2. "Be open to the challenge and enjoy the ride! The times when things feel uncomfortable or new are the times you really start to learn about yourself and grow into your own skin." - Joell Shepperson

3. "Do it! Give it everything you’ve got. When I look back simply at the last 10 years of my life the stagnant ones are regrettable. The adventurous ones make me smile."

- Liz Wolf Isles

4. "Check your inhibitions at the door and go for it!"

- Lauren Novsak

5. "In every situation, try and put yourself in the other person's shoes." - Joe McHugh

6. "Don't be afraid to take the final steps and just do it! It is so easy to plan but the hardest part is jumping into it. Keep an open mind and be confident!" - Bailey Graf

7. "Check your hesitations at the door and do it! Embrace the experience fully and don't leave anything out." - Tara Molloy

8. "Find a way to reflect - whether it's journaling, taking a run at the end of the day or finding a mentor who will help you process your experience!" - Jess Diehl

9. "The more you engage in your community (even if it is evening walks around the neighborhood) the more comfortable you will feel."

- Timothy Power

10. "If learning a language interest you, there is absolutely no substitute for a completely immersive experience. #immerseyoself"

- Jordan Eberlein

11. "Let yourself dream up and go after adventure; even if you make a mistake and miss a ride--there's always another bus, plane, train, car, or boat that awaits you." - Veronica Eberlein

12. "An immersive experience is a wonderful way to commit to a different way of being for a season of life. It's worth every penny to say you've 'been there', 'done that,' and now have an amazing new perspective to carry forward." - Sarah Nordseth

13. "Improv has taught me to say yes, unequivocally, and that failure is a good thing. Say yes, and what is the worst that could happen? You fail, and you learn, and you grow. There is so much more beyond yourself, your thoughts, your fears, your day-to-day anxieties. Humble yourself."

- Sheila McMenamin

14. "Listen to understand, not to respond." - Cory Ott

15. "Being nervous is normal, especially when you're in a truly immersive environment that's completely unfamiliar, but don't let it stop you from challenging yourself to leave your comfort zone and make the most of the experience!"

- Kathryn Rowe

16. "Do not push the thoughts of possibility way, think about them, then jump in to the challenge." - Katlin Bagdovitz

17. "Open your heart to new possibilities, try to not compare or have strict expectations." - Alexandra Balbontin

18. "Get out of your comfort zone and just DO IT! Don't focus on what you COULD be missing out on, or what might happen when you're gone from home. Once you're somewhere new, be present and ask questions. Time flies ten times faster when you're in a completely new experience, so make sure to sop it up and savor. And at the end of the experience, make sure to express your gratitude to whoever was involved, and reflect on your own or with others in the experience to get the most out of it!" - Livvy Call

19. "Be present." - Erin Drew

20. "Go into your experience, or any experience really with open arms and and open mind, and I promise you will be pleasantly surprised at least once." - Amelia Meier

21. "Go into every experience without any expectations." - Peter Miles

22. "There are few moments in our lives where opportunities present themselves that allow us to step out of our frame and into another. It is only through these experiences can one truly hope to gain a lasting impression. At the end of the day, you have nothing to lose but everything to gain." - Christos Anninos

23. "Being involved hands-on is integral to truly discovering what makes you unique."

- Nistha Pradhan

24. "Do not choose something because it is what you think you should do. Choose something that you feel pulled to do." - Jenna Fritz

Learn more about OutGrowth student experiences by visiting the OutGrowth website, or by contacting Anna Fitzgibbon, Founder and Owner, at

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