Di Ter Avest is a Professional Organizer and Owner of Di is Organized, whose value and talent extend beyond physical spaces. Through her work, Di makes it possible for families to reduce stress, achieve wellness, and change their relationship with "stuff." We are big admirers with Di, and wanted to feature her in our month dedicated to Cultivating Experiences because we believe through changing our physical environment, we can create the space to live and work differently.
Enjoy our Q+A with Di below, and be sure to check out her spotlight feature in this month's issue of En Root!

This month's theme is all about creating and embracing experiences. Tell us about how you model this in your work.
Di is Organized is all about creating spaces by embracing our clients' needs and lifestyles to assess and implement the best organization system for their homes. We believe that an organized home and life is more than just a beautiful home; it allows us to use our precious free time on the things we love to do, such as creating new memories with our loved ones.
At OutGrowth, we are committed to supporting the growth of others through building transformational experiences. What do you think we as individuals and communities can do to support others to grow beyond traditional limits?
Kindness, respect, and patience go a long way. Provide them with the materials and resources that they will need, but understand that everybody blooms at their own time.
Tell us about your most significant professional moment to date.
As a Professional Organizer, I would say the most significant professional moment is when a client sees the value in the services we provide and embraces the changes in their lives that an organized home and lifestyle can provide.

How did this experience change the course of your life, your career or your outlook?
I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to help so many women and families to achieve their home organizing goals. They often share how we helped them get the weight off their shoulders, how less stressed out they are, and how much they love their homes again. To know that you are an important person in someone else's life is very rewarding.
What is a step that each of us can take today to enrich our own lives and the lives of others through meaningful experiences?
Have an open mind! Accept new experiences, make new friends, accept the differences. You never know what tomorrow will bring you.
If you could go back in time and give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?
Learn a new language and their culture when you are young. Believe in yourself and the choices you make. Be bold, courageous and don't settle for less than you know you can achieve. Extracurricular activities are not a waste of your time, they will help you shape your life, personality, and profession, and you will be glad you learned than later in your life.

What is your favorite quote or song lyric?
"Everything is possible to those who believe."
Based on your experience to date, what are the top three career competencies that you believe can be gained/developed as a result of embracing new experiences?
I would say Independence, Perseverance, and Planning and Organizing
What's next? What are your next steps toward growth in 2021?
After a year like 2020, 2021 is my patience year to help myself, my business and my clients to get back on their feet. We are launching new online services and guides, working on the back end of the business, and taking classes. We are also building our newsletter subscribers.
Di Ter Avest is a Home Professional Organizer, owner of Di is Organized, and Creator of the program Organize Yourself Healthy. Over the past eight years, she has helped hundreds of women and families rethink their relationship with stuff. Her in-person services, virtual projects, workshops, and online courses help women create sustainable organizational systems for their homes and lives, leading to lower levels of stress and overwhelm. Grab her free resource: DIY Home Project Planner!
Di is an immigrant that has transformed her passion for an organized home into a business. In Brazil, she learned from her mother how to take care of the home at a young age. Her father, an entrepreneur himself, always taught her about home management and family budgeting, without even realizing it.