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Disrupting the Sitting Cycle, One Company at a Time

Stacy Fritz and Pattie Sassano are advocates for attainable wellness, through their programs that provide dynamic and bite-sized health solutions for companies. For the employee who may only have 5-10 minutes a various points of the day to dedicate to activity, Stacy and Pattie had built out practices to move toward a healthy work lifestyle through their company, FIT2order.

As an integral component of building a healthy, happy personal and professional life, we are so excited to dive a bit deeper into the topic of wellness, in our rapid-fire Q+A with FIT2order Co-Founder, Stacy Fritz.

At OutGrowth, we are committed to giving access. Tell us about your approach to creating access to wellness, and what this concept of access has meant for you.

I’ve built a specialized skill set focusing on the busy work lifestyle, which means access to movement and reducing stress DURING the work day. FIT2order specializes in Sedentary Solutions for companies whose employees sit for the majority of the day. We believe that taking care of your health needs to happen AT work- where we spend the majority of our time. It isn't enough to "workout" before or after the workday to reduce the effects of occupational sitting.

Tell us about a pinnacle point or moment in your personal or professional wellness journey.

A pinnacle point in my professional journey came when my business partner, Pattie and I realized that onsite FITness programs needed to pivot to address the busy work lifestyle. We shifted our focus to work breaks instead of work outs that included short, but effective breaks that disrupted sitting without disrupting an employee's work flow.

How did this experience change the course of your life, your career or your outlook?

The impact of our decision to pivot and re-position our programs/services/products to focus on a FIT work lifestyle changed the whole trajectory of decision ever.

How do you believe wellness impacts one's career path? What are your top three pieces of advice for students and professionals who may not know how to integrate personal and professional wellness practices?

Wellness can impact one's career path either positively OR negatively....a personal decision and one that aligns perfectly with the "fork in the road" analogy. Two leads to a long, healthy productive life and the other that could be filled with "dis"-ease. When choosing a career, make sure the opportunity for good health habits are in place from the beginning: frequent work breaks, managing stress AND most importantly clean nutrition.

If you could go back in time and give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?

Love what you do AND then, do a lot of it...if you are lucky enough to be compensated for your passion, that's the jackpot!

From your unique wellness perspective, what are some words of wisdom that you would offer people exploring the possibility of an immersive experience with OutGrowth?

Dare to be different...just because something has always been done a certain way, doesn't mean there isn't a different or even better way...believe bigger, align with your purpose and always, always live in gratitude.

What is your favorite quote?

“Life is amazing. And then it's awful. And then it's amazing again. And in between the amazing and awful it's ordinary and mundane and routine. Breathe in the amazing, hold on through the awful, and relax and exhale during the ordinary. That's just living heartbreaking, soul-healing, amazing, awful, ordinary life. And it's breathtakingly beautiful.” ― L.R. Knost

What's next? What are your next steps toward growth in 2020?

FIT2order has some BHAG for 2020, specifically to provide our sedentary solutions, globally.

Founded in 2008, FIT2order, LLC is a women-owned corporate wellness company based in Towson, MD.

FIT2order specializes in at-work wellness solutions for our sedentary workforce and serves local, regional and national clients. Learn more about FIT2order, including Corporate Yoga Programs, here.

Also, be sure to follow FIT2order on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and Twitter.


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